Brand Design Develop Code of Ethics

Brand Design Develop is not a Woke Company

We Have the Right to Refuse Services to Anyone

We don’t discriminate, nor do we propagate cultural issues, or involve ourselves with philosophy of morality, pronouns, sexual identity, or other issues of choice or self-determination. We focus on and promote our services through promotion and to take part in the beauty of humanity.

Most, if not all, of our staff and associates maintain a Biblical worldview. While we will not be disrespectful to anyone that holds a contrary viewpoint, we as a design, development, media group may by law to refuse service based upon our firm beliefs.

We will immediately refuse service to anyone propagating or promoting lifestyles contrary to a legal or personal worldview held by many here. Our intent is not to offend, but to create an environment acceptable to everyone. This exclusion includes, but is not limited to: beastiality, homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography, polygamy, prostitution, trafficking, transgenderism, or other beliefs, personal enjoyments, or lifestyles contrary to our company goals or worldview.

While we will not discriminate against people or persons taking part in these chosen lifestyles, we as a company cannot knowingly or willfully take part in the propagation or promotion of these lifestyles either. As a a design, development, media group, our stance is that do what you desire on your own time, with whomever you want, but we stand firm in our beliefs that no one (conservatives included) should face discrimination based on a social construct of new cultural feelings and desires.

May It Be Noted:

Our staff are required by company policy to address biological females and males as mam or sir, or by their given name, or by the gender specific surname of Mr. or Mrs. based on an overall consensus of appearance or general societal norms. To avoid confusion of staff, or issues of clarity or offense. We as individuals may maintain our obligation to our faith(s) and personal beliefs. Our intent by writing this into company policy is simply to avoid confusion based upon general common decorum and knowledge of common social politeness.

While some consider it a personal right to be addressed by a chosen pronoun, company staff of Brand Design Develop are not obligated to participate in individual choices. Staff and employees also are not obligated to deny the reality of your biological identity established by birth. Holding to a Biblical world view simply means that many of us believe God created man and woman (Genesis 1:27), and in following our faith, we cannot take part or propagate lifestyles contrary to Holy scripture. (see: Romans 1:18-32 | 2 Corinthians 5:17 | 2 Corinthians 6:17 | Ephesians 4:17-20 | 1 John 2:15-16)

As a a design, development, media group industry leader, Brand Design Develop does not take part in condemning people personally, as many of our staff drinks alcohol, coffee, smoke cigarettes or marijuana, or do acts that are contrary to Biblical teaching. Our job is not to condemn the individual choice, but as a company, we do not take part in promoting those choices, either. Nor is the verbal discussion within the company focused on the activities of our lifestyles outside of what we do in the fashion industry. We have respect for all customers and employees to keep these things at a reasonable, consensus minimum of general acceptable work discussion. This means that Brand Design Develop believes conversations in the workplace should involve work and presenting the Brand Design Develop brand for everyone regardless of belief or opinion.

While some of our staff and employees may not believe or follow in a Biblical worldview, and even in our hiring we do not discriminate, we make it clear upon hiring or working with us that both customers and employees alike are welcome to seek involvement with businesses elsewhere if this ethics policy is an issue, or they desire to promote things contrary to our core principals and values. While we’re not necessarily a company you can label as Christian, we are a company with Christians that work here. Demanding they compromise their individual faith would be discrimination.

Likewise, you as an individual may choose Brand Design Develop to meet your a design, development, media group needs, or consult with other businesses if you don’t like our code of ethics. We don’t hold that against you. We always appreciate freedom, even if it’s at a substantial cost to us.

We also welcome you reaching out to us if you have questions about our ethics policy or feel we’re wrong on our stance.

(Ethics policy created by Brand Design Develop and used by permission. You may request permission to use this policy for your company at